
<strong>Passion For The Lost – THE ONE MILLION SOULS CRUSADE</strong>



Dearly Beloved,


Matthew 9:36-38 KJV

But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.

Dearly Beloved,

Passion for the lost cannot be taught. It has to be borne in your heart by the Spirit of God. I trust God to pour the flames of the passion He has for the lost in the world into your heart.

Since the fall of man in the garden, God’s operation on earth has been with the underlying goal of saving souls. So if God will make you wealthy, it will be with the goal that you will use that wealth to increase your capacity for reaching the lost.

If God will promote you in life, it will be with the goal that you will use the increased influence of that office to extend His kingdom. God will never bless you so you can be more comfortable without doing anything else! That is an unbalanced view of God’s blessing. Instead, God will bless you to make you a blessing!

I have come to believe that GOSPEL IS NOT TO BE PREACHED BY THE POOR, BUT THE GOSPEL IS TO BE PREACHED TO THE POOR! The worst poverty in life is to be without Jesus.

No matter the state of a human being, if he is apart from Christ, he is classified as a poor man by God and only the acceptance of the gospel makes him rich. Then he is qualified to take that same gospel to other poor souls.

2023: A year of total focus! No distraction

We have entered into a season at the Dream City where God expects TOTAL FOCUS from all members. You cannot afford to be distracted at this time. Harvests are coming, and He wants us to be ready.

We have a mandate of ONE MILLION SOULS CRUSADE this year, 2023. One million souls will be gained for the kingdom of God in 2023. There will be different programs, in-reach and outreach meetings to achieve this plan of God.

We will have Salvation hour on the radio. Pastors will take the sessions. We will have a Deliverance clinic on TV also. Get serious!

We will take captives from the hand of the devil. We will print ten million tracts in preparation for the crusade. This has already started rolling out. You must receive your part in this assignment.

Pray for clarity and strategy to adopt to realize this mandate. It is not an assignment for pastors or crusade teams alone. All members must receive their own mandate from this assignment from the Lord.

Be part of the prayer program to receive steps and strategies for the one million souls crusade. Be part of the planning and preparation. Join them to distribute tracts. The hand of the Lord is already on the tracts we have printed, and that will still be printed. We will hold crusades on campus, seminars, salvation hours and so on. Pray for platforms and strategy for this mandate.

The Dream Centre members are the labourers God will use for this harvest. What will be your commitment and the path you want to play in this mandate?

I want you to pray for yourself that God will get you ready for the work. Pray for total focus and that you will not be distracted in any way.

Till next time, go and win with Jesus.

God’s Servant,

Rev. Olusola Areogun.

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