

Christmas Season


Dearly Beloved,

Anointed Christmas Greetings to you and Yours!

May the joy and peace that Christ brings fill your heart and home this season and beyond, in Jesus’ name!

Matthew 3:17 says, “ And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”KJV

The scripture above reveals to us two distinct experiences you can have with the Father after salvation. The first experience is when the Father loves you, while the second experience is when you move from the Father loving you to you pleasing the Father.

The second experience should be your vision for your Christian life and journey. Also, your focus as a believer this season should be how to please the Father.

You must not stop until this is the declaration of the Father over you. It is His desire for every one of His Children, no matter where you have been or are coming from. The Father must be able to say, this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. If He cannot say that over you for any reason, you are wasting the blood of Jesus.

For God so loved the world, and He gave His Son. So when you get born again, you become a captive of His love. But afterwards, you must make the pursuit of the love of the Father to please Him and give Him Joy your goal. This is the kind of Christian life the Father loves. The first phase in our walk with Him is to become sons, and the next phase is to become sons that give Him joy. God is working on everyone and taking us to a place where we will give Him pleasure like Jesus did.

Love will do for someone what he doesn’t deserve, and that is exactly what the Father has done for us. Even the sinners that go to hell, God still loves them. It is the love of God that sends a sinner to hell because the holiness of God will torment the sinner more in Heaven.

The greatest flow of God’s power and resources is always towards His pleasure. So if He is pleased with you, you will see it in the demonstration of His power, resources and mercies in your life. It means what we experience when the Father loves us will be significantly different from what we experience when we please Him.

One major way we can please the Father this season is by WINNING AT LEAST A SOUL FOR CHRIST. Let somebody know this season how much the Father loves him or her. This is actually the best gift you can give to someone without Christ in a time like this. Be “A STAR BELIEVER” by fulfilling Dan. 12 verse 3

“ And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.”KJV

This is one way to enlist the commitment of the Father in your life.

Your whole life must be geared towards giving God pleasure. Make that your priority and pursue it with the whole of your heart.

Till next Christmas, go and win with Jesus.

God’s Servant,

Olusola A. Areogun

#MerryChristmas! #Christmas #reverendareogun #revoyenikeareogun

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