

Grace, Divine, Forces / The Names of the Lord


What NAMES OF THE LORD are you taking into this Week?

From The Father’s Heart

Dearly Beloved,

Daniel 11:32 says, “And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits.

Psalm 9:10 says, “And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.

In societies such as in Africa, names are covenanted; however, in other societies, names may not be as covenanted. So, in such areas where names are covenanted when a father names his child, there is an expectation of such a name manifesting in the life of that child.

The name manifests in the revealed character. The name signifies that person, personally present in the revealed name, not delegated. The name means the person taking personal action in the revealed character.

When you come in the name of a person, whatever is done to you is done in the name of the person that sent you in His name.

God wants you, as the child of God, to have an understanding of the power of God as we go into this week. You must have a good understanding of the name of Jesus. You can’t know a person beyond the names that you know.

God becomes His name to those that know it. When you don’t put your trust in God, it is evidence of the fact that you don’t know His names.

Let your faith be in a God that is real, a God that you know, not on facts and information.

The more you know His name, the stronger your faith and confidence are.

Let me show some of these names by which God has revealed Himself to His people. Psalm 23 says, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want…” Do you know Him like that?

He is the God who is there! When you are not there, when you are there, and when you leave, He is there! He is there not to spectate but to do the things you cannot do.

Wise Christians understand that God is always there! Matt 28:20. “I am with you even …until the end of the age.

Till next time, go and win with Jesus.

God’s Servant

Rev. Olusola Areogun

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