Blogue Classique

Blogue Classique

Dad 007

The Greatest Test of Christianity: A Journey Through Trials and Triumphs

One of the greatest tests of Christianity is not how we handle the struggles of life when we are still trying to “come up,” but rather how we handle success when we’ve already arrived. Many people are faithful to God in times of need, but as soon as the Lord blesses …


Frustrating the Hidden Things of Satan

Bible Text: Isaiah 44:25, Job 5:12, Psalm 33:10, 2 Samuel 15:31 There is a powerful weapon available to every believer that frustrates the hidden schemes of the enemy: praying in the Holy Spirit. When we pray in tongues, we step into a dimension where Satan becomes confused and defeated. As 1 Corinthians …

Daddy 006
A Separation For Arrival

A Separation For Arrival

When two friends embark on a journey, and one is headed to Sokoto while the other is bound for Yobe, the first and most crucial question they must ask isn’t about the cost of the journey but rather, “Where is this vehicle going?” Once they establish the vehicle’s destination, it becomes clear …


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